
Wednesday 15 August 2018


Image result for cybersmart

  • What does it mean to be cyber smart and why it is important?

    • To be cyber smart means to be safe and sensible when online, whether it be social media or just the internet in general. E.g. keeping in mind that whatever you do online is there permanently (even if you attempt to erase that page, post etc.), the internet never forgets.

      • What are two things you learned about being cyber smart and how can you apply it to your own life?
      One thing that I’ve learned about being cyber smart is that you can leave footprints whilst online. These footprints can either be negative or positive footprints. If I wanted to leave a positive footprint online I would have to think about whether it’s sensible, safe or appropriate to put up on the net.

      • Describe one of each:
        • A personal strategy a young person can do to help themselves if they are being cyberbullied
      If someone is being cyberbullied, one thing that they can do to help themselves is to talk to someone that they trust. E.g. their dean, social worker, parents or even just an elder that is trustworthy.

        • An interpersonal strategy a young person can do to help their friend who is being cyberbullied
      You could stick by them, let them know that they don’t have to be alone in their situation. If they don’t want you involved talk to an elder that both you and this friend who is being bullied trusts, have them talk to your friend and help sort things out.  

        • A personal strategy a young person who finds themselves bullying other young people can do to help build their self-esteem and change their behavior
      Let’s say you find yourself constantly wanting to annoy others, which may even cause you to bully someone. And suddenly you realize what you are doing and that it’s causing other people damage. The first thing you should do (if your willing to change) is to take back everything you’ve done and apologize to the victim. This will not only prevent suicide on the victim it’ll save you from being charged, prosecuted and the police won’t have to be involved.

      • Tips to give to the year 6s about how they could become cyber smart
      One thing that I think people aged 10 - 12 years old should know about being cyber smart is that one positive voice can make a big difference. To me, this phrase is an example of being cyber smart in the real world. It means if everyone is being the bystanders and just spectating a cyberbullying situation, then only one person stands up for the victim, that puts a positive impact on the survivor (person being bullied) whilst they are going through a difficult time.

      So which will you pick, to be a spectator (supporting and cheering on the cruel bully) or will you be the small light in the dark room?

      1 comment:

      1. Seini, each of your answers are very insightful and very impressed with your quote at the end. It was both inspiring and heartwarming to know that there are awesome young leaders such as yourself who are a beaming light of positivity in a world that can be so cruel at times.
